I've been neglecting my old hobby, which is crocheting. I thought when I bought lots of cute yarns at a knitting festival, I might be able to pick it up again. Sadly, after couple of months past, the yarns are still comfortably snuggled in my drawer ^^;; I must find a new crochet project that's extremely cute that I couldn't resist. Since I'm really into Amigurumi, maybe some of these books could help me return to the crochet world ^__^
kalo disuruh milih aku lebih prefer wearable item, amigurumi suka ngeliatnya aja hehehe. mau mau, pola lobe yg lucu buat hasan (eh lobe disini nyebutnya apa sih, kupluk kali ya :p), trus bunga imut yg bisa buat bros jilbab^^
wah lucu-lunya...ayo bikin ra.. :D aku juga udah lama nih gak sempet ngerajut. itu buku2nya baru ira beli? kapan bisa minjem? :D *gamodal*
ReplyDeletewaduh...bukunya masih milik Amazon tuh ^^
ReplyDeletegw cuma ngiler aja, makanya gw pajang spy bisa terinspired ^^, kali aja gw bisa karang2 sendiri polanya ^o^
tar gw kasih deh pola2 yang lucu. tunggu aja ya ^^ prefernya apa nih? wearable item atau amigurumi? request yg spesifik ya ^^
kalo disuruh milih aku lebih prefer wearable item, amigurumi suka ngeliatnya aja hehehe. mau mau, pola lobe yg lucu buat hasan (eh lobe disini nyebutnya apa sih, kupluk kali ya :p), trus bunga imut yg bisa buat bros jilbab^^
ReplyDeleteok ok...tar gw coba cariin ya ^^